Information Security Consulting
ISO27001:2022 Implementation - Customized Workshop and provision of Security Advisory Services.
Compliance with the provisions of the EBA Guidelines on ICT and Security Risk Management for Financial Institutions (Gap Analysis).
Holistic Compliance with the European Banking Authority (EBA) guidelines on information and communication technology (ICT) and Security Risk Management.
GDPR and Information Security Management System (ISMS) compliance Assessment Audit (Gap Analysis).
GDPR Compliance - Customized Workshop and provision of Security Advisory Services.
ISO27001, GDPR, Customised Security Awareness courses and more
ISO27001 Security Professional course.Cyber Security Overview and Best Practices. Five working Days including exams and certificate.
ICT and Security Risk Management, Information Security, Cybersecurity and EBA Guidelines for Financial Institutions
ICT and Security Risk Management for Financial Institutions
Custom Information Security Awareness Training to fit your companies requirements
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